How often do you wash your hands every day? Do you wonder if you’re washing them long enough, or with the right product? I’d like to pass on a few tips about good hand washing. You can get your children started with good washing habits too! My suggestions come from the Centers for Disease Control… Read More
Since April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, I want to talk to my patients about the risks and prevention of oral cancer in Tuscaloosa. It’s not a cancer that gets talked about much, but can be very serious if it’s not caught early. The American Cancer Society states that nearly 35,000 people in the U.S…. Read More
Did you know that eating sugars and drinking sugars could have different effects on your mouth? Sugars that come in liquid forms, such as sodas or juices, wash over your entire mouth and get into every nook and canny of your teeth. This is harmful because, even with regular brushing, those sugars can sit ion hard to reach… Read More