5 Bad Habits That are Harming Your Teeth

added on: February 18, 2015

Dental habits to break

Even if you brush twice a day, floss once a day, and maintain regular visits to our dental office in Tuscaloosa, you may be causing damage to your teeth without even knowing it. There are many common habits that most of us do subconsciously, and these habits can be detrimental to teeth.


  1. Teeth Are Not Tools. No matter how easy it may seem to simply use your teeth to open that bag of chips, remove that tag from new clothing, or open that jar of nail polish, it’s definitely not worth it! Using teeth as tools to open any pesky package can result in serious damage like chipped teeth and broken restorations. Saving a few seconds by using teeth instead of grabbing the proper tool just isn’t worth it.
  2. Brushing Softly is Best. There’s no need to vigorously scrub your teeth. In fact, doing so can create serious damage. Hard bristles and rough brushing can contribute to sensitivity, worn down enamel, and irritated gums. Instead, choose a soft bristled toothbrush and gently brush teeth at a 45 degree angle for best results.


  1. Cool it on Ice Crunching. Ice is one of teeth’s worst enemies. It’s not only super hard, it’s also super cold; two things that don’t go well for teeth. Crunching on ice is a great way to fracture teeth and get tiny cracks in them. Down the road, these tiny cracks lead to much bigger problems.


  1. Keep Fingers Away! Biting nails is another dental habit that leads to tooth damage, among other things. Your fingernails are dirty and biting them allows all the germs hiding underneath to enter the body (yuck!). Also, fingernails are hard, really hard, and chronic biting can cause teeth to shift, break, or crack.


  1. And Pens Too! Like nail biting, it’s a common habit to park a pen or pencil between your teeth at meetings or when deep in thought. This, too, places a lot of pressure on teeth, causing them to shift, crack, or damaging dental restorations.


All habits are hard to break, and dental habits are no exception. So try your best to catch yourself and work on fixing them. Need some tips for helpful ways to break a habit? Talk to any of us at our Tuscaloosa dental office!


Accepting patients from Tuscaloosa, Northport, Cottondale, and surrounding areas.


About The Author
Dr. Paul Diaz

Dr. Paul Diaz is a Fellow and member of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics and the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). The AGD honored him with a Lifelong Learning and Service Recognition (LLSR) award, which recognizes members committed to staying up-to-date with the latest in dentistry and giving back to their community. Dr. Diaz has served or is currently serving the University of Alabama School of Dentistry, Alabama Dental Association, Alabama Academy of General Dentistry, and the American Society for Dental Aesthetics.